Shania is a wholesome country girl with nice tits, that's all, who gets banged in the ass in Photoshopped photos and shit.
I don't get it. I mean, Shania Twain wants to appease the haters, at the expense of the dudes who masturbated to her music videos back in the day?
Like, Google her name + nude: there are, like, hundreds of images of her face Photoshopped onto nude chicks being nude or getting banged in the ass. The dudes who made those images spent a lot of time doing that out of love for her, and the desire to see her nude or banged in the ass, and now she is just tossing them aside like abused kleenex. That's fucked up.
I mean, they spent hours trying to find just the right naked chick to put her face on, trying their best to match what they hope she looks like nude. Because they didn't Photoshop her face onto any, like, fat chicks, right? They didn't stick her face on any tattooed nose-ring skank that looks like a crack-whore with a banged-up vagina and shit.
Regarding the tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whore -- I don't mean any offense to any tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whores, okay? I just mean that's not most people's idea of Shania. Shania is a wholesome country girl with nice tits, that's all, who gets banged in the ass in Photoshopped photos and shit.
Plus you wouldn't see the tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whore's nose-ring in that photo, because Shania's face has been stuck upon it. But you get the point.
Shania, you think it was bad, having the Twitter pussies all jumping your shit? Wait until those you have tossed aside like abused kleenex get busy with you on 4chan, you'd never even imagine how many cocks can fit in one fat chick's ass, with your face stuck on top.
Which is kinda mean, I guess, but the internet ain't pretty.
Like, Google her name + nude: there are, like, hundreds of images of her face Photoshopped onto nude chicks being nude or getting banged in the ass. The dudes who made those images spent a lot of time doing that out of love for her, and the desire to see her nude or banged in the ass, and now she is just tossing them aside like abused kleenex. That's fucked up.
I mean, they spent hours trying to find just the right naked chick to put her face on, trying their best to match what they hope she looks like nude. Because they didn't Photoshop her face onto any, like, fat chicks, right? They didn't stick her face on any tattooed nose-ring skank that looks like a crack-whore with a banged-up vagina and shit.
Regarding the tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whore -- I don't mean any offense to any tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whores, okay? I just mean that's not most people's idea of Shania. Shania is a wholesome country girl with nice tits, that's all, who gets banged in the ass in Photoshopped photos and shit.
Plus you wouldn't see the tattooed nose-ring skank crack-whore's nose-ring in that photo, because Shania's face has been stuck upon it. But you get the point.
Shania, you think it was bad, having the Twitter pussies all jumping your shit? Wait until those you have tossed aside like abused kleenex get busy with you on 4chan, you'd never even imagine how many cocks can fit in one fat chick's ass, with your face stuck on top.
Which is kinda mean, I guess, but the internet ain't pretty.
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