I mean, the Manson chicks carved swastikas on their foreheads for Charlie, but they pretty much knew where he was going with his shit.
So Shania turns her back on the straight dudes who jerked off into socks looking at her videos, but meanwhile that Morrissey dude from the Smiths is pissing off all his twee-fuck fans by coming out against the pussies who call everybody racist, it's like the Nineties just got played backwards.
I mean, who were the people who loved Morrissey? The goth chicks, the sensitive gay dudes, the outcast dudes and the outcast chicks who hung out with those goth chicks and sensitive gay dudes hoping they might get laid if they liked Morrissey, too, right?
And now they're all sad and shit because, as a famous vegan, he's against the slaughter of animals and includes Islam and halal in his, like, criticism. So, they loved him as a vegan, but not as a vegan that doesn't give Muslims an exception for slaughtering animals and shit, now he's a hater and they're pissed off they ever had his face tattooed on their fat-chick arms and tits.
Really, there's pictures of people showing their Morrissey tattoos and getting all pussy about it.
But I guess if you're going to get a tattoo of someone's face on your body, you better be reasonably sure that you're, like, going to be OK with whatever shit they do in the future. I mean, the Manson chicks carved swastikas on their foreheads for Charlie, but they pretty much knew where he was going with his shit.
I mean, who were the people who loved Morrissey? The goth chicks, the sensitive gay dudes, the outcast dudes and the outcast chicks who hung out with those goth chicks and sensitive gay dudes hoping they might get laid if they liked Morrissey, too, right?
And now they're all sad and shit because, as a famous vegan, he's against the slaughter of animals and includes Islam and halal in his, like, criticism. So, they loved him as a vegan, but not as a vegan that doesn't give Muslims an exception for slaughtering animals and shit, now he's a hater and they're pissed off they ever had his face tattooed on their fat-chick arms and tits.
Really, there's pictures of people showing their Morrissey tattoos and getting all pussy about it.
But I guess if you're going to get a tattoo of someone's face on your body, you better be reasonably sure that you're, like, going to be OK with whatever shit they do in the future. I mean, the Manson chicks carved swastikas on their foreheads for Charlie, but they pretty much knew where he was going with his shit.
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